Censor. Collins English Dictionary. Glasgow. 1998 (4th ed.). (1.49 Kb)
Censor n 1 a person authorized to examine publications, theatrical presentations, films, letters, etc., in order to suppress in whole or part those considered obscene, politically unacceptable, etc. 2 any person who controls or suppresses the behaviour of others, usually on moral grounds. 3 (in republican Rome) either of two senior magistrates elected to keep the list of citizens up to date, control aspects of public finance, and supervise public morals. 4 Psychoanal. the postulated factor responsible for regulating the translation of ideas and desires from the unconscious to the conscious mind. See also superego. ♦ vb (tr) 5 to ban or cut portions of (a publication, film, letter etc.). 6 to act as a censor of (behaviour, etc.). [C16: from Latin, from cēnsēre to consider, assess] ► `censorable adj ► censorial adj
// Collins English Dictionary. Glasgow: Harper Collins Publishers, 1998 (4th ed.). P.260.
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