Part I. The Transformation of the Philosophy
of History into a Theory of Historical Knowledge
The words «philosophy of history» are used to denote five different kinds of writings. These are (1) universal histories of mankind,(2)theories of society—or of history, (3) discussions of ontological problems about history or society, (4) treatises on history or historical knowledge as values, (5) methodologies of historical research (incl. theories of historical knowledge). The philosophy of history is nonexistent: there are various types of philosophies about history. These types have appeared, existed or co-existed, forming a certain pattern (set out in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). That pattern has been determined both by the developments in the study of history and by changes in philosophy itself. For example, the rise of analytic («critical») philosophy of history is a result of the twentieth-century changes in the manner of philosophizing in English-speaking countries and a result of the changes in historical studies during the last two centuries. And there is yet one more determining factor for the shape of the pattern that has emerged: the socio-economic interests of various classes of human beings in the 19th and 20th-century societies. When Marx made history scientific and Marxists began to claim that history was a science, the opponents of Marx started defending bourgeois respectability by claims that history was not quite a science (Rickert), or not a science at all – but a form of thinking essentially different from both science and art (Collingwood).
The modern non-Marxist theory of historical knowledge has been developed basically by philosophers writing in English. These developments began with the works of R. G. Collingwood and M. Mandelbaum, written in the 1930s. During the 1950s and 1960s explanation and narrative became the two central issues under discussion. It is of
importance to understand that the differences between the proponents and the opponents of the «covering-law thesis» are not entirely in matters of fact (whether «scientific» explanations using «covering laws» are the only forms or the only admissible forms of explanations used or to be used by historians). Those differences presuppose an implicit divergence of paradigmas on the nature of philosophizing, held by the logical positivists and by the supporters of linguistic analysis (the covering law thesis can be defended by the latter means, too; but what counts for argument is different in both paradigmas).
There has been no such central theme for discussion during the last decade. Hew issues have been raised (e. g. , is historical knowledge akin to knowledge in the applied sciences) and more sophisticated treatments of old issues continue to be published.
The majority of Marxist philosophies of history still belong to the types (2) and (3). But from the mid-1960s onwards the interests of Marxists have been turning towards studying historical cognition with a view to formulating a theory of historical knowledge as a methodology of historical knowledge.
Part II. The Developing Structure
of Historical Knowledge
How has modern historiography emerged? There were two preceding stages of development: Graeco-Roman historiography and the European protoscientific historiography of the 15th-18th centuries. During both these stages the aims of producing knowledge and creating cognitively adequate methods of research came into existence. The critical techniques of establishing primary facts had been worked out by the early 19th century, and thereupon scientific historiography came into being. Then the basic problem became what to do after the primary facts had been found out. One set of historians tried to write historical science, another set of them had as their ideal ideologically (politically, aesthetically etc. ) coloured portraits of the
human past. The remainder of this book deals chiefly with the writings of the first set.
Is the empirical-theoretical distinction applicable to historiography? Past happenings are unobservable, but for different reasons as compared with the unobservability of microbes and molecules. So the first stage of producing and formulating historical knowledge is to reconstruct the human past as it would have appeared to a historian directly observing the past. Empirical knowledge proceeds to find regularities after the primary descriptions are reconstructed and to re – describe individual events and entities as parts of the regularities. Historical theories are possible only on condition of having some empirical knowledge for the construction of models to which the theories refer. The development of historiography leads first to reconstructive knowledge, and only later to empirical and theoretical knowledge. This provides part of the explanation why empirical and theoretical studies are much less frequent among historical works than reconstructive ones.
What are the changes in the field of research? Traditional historiography was the study of politics and motives for politics (i. e. rational grounds for actions). Government, law (the «state», in Marxist terms) were referred to as background institutions to political actions. Prom the mid-19th century there has been a trend towards widening the field of research (e. g. , in the writings of Marx, Fustel de Coulanges, Burckhardt). Opposition to widening of the field of research was caused not only by factors internal to the old paradigma of historiography, but also by external factors influencing the acceptance of differing paradigmas of historical research and writings by the «public at large». The close commitment of Marxism to studies in economic history and of the «struggle»(conflict) of economic classes (and to theoretical history) led to opposition to those types of historical study by groups opposed to socialism and to the rise of the working class.
The widening field of study led to a change of the reference classes of some histroical knowledge: interest turned from the study of personalized referents (individual human beings, individual nations) to non-personalized referents (institutions, social systems), and from the study of governing elites towards the study of all sections of the population. As a result of these developments there has been a change adding the study of «invariant» objects (e. g., socio-economic formations by marxist historians) to the study of «applied» objects («England», «Caesar»).
What are the changes in the build-up of the image of history? Historical knowledge is that of sequences. Traditional historiography dealt with the sequences of events. The trend has been towards establishing the sequences of systems (institutional systems, societal types, etc.). Traditional sequences were also chronological. The trend has been to switch to generative sequences: to find out how events or systems develop out of previous events or systems, how they are generated by preceding events or systems. The sequences themselves can be classified into elementary and non-elementary ones (the elementary sequences can be formalized by means of elementary graphs, whereas the non-elementary ones are those represented by non-elementary graphs).
The traditional reconstructive image of history was built out of descriptions of examples or instances (some examples were intuitively accepted as typical and some were not). However, intuition is no proof, whereas statistics are (this does not preclude giving examples after frequencies and typologies have been established). The evolution of the studies on enclosures in Britain provides an illustration to the above argument.
What are the premises of historical writing in social theory? The use of any language introduces an implicit understanding of the world (consider, for example, the meanings of the terms «nation», «state»). Historians
draw some concepts from other social sciences (economics, sociology). Marxist historiography seems to be the only influential case of historical writings explicitly based on systematic social theories.
Whenever historians write of” non-chronological interconnections of events, institutions or systems, they have to refer (implicitly or explicitly) to some theory of society about the influence of the different factors (economics, politics, etc. ) upon the subject of the study. Vulgar theories accept only one influencing factor, sophisticated theories allow for more than on factor. In the latter case, weighting of the factors and acceptance or non-acceptance of feed – backs become important considerations. A sophisticated theory may still allow for a dominant factor (the one having the highest weight or setting out a hierarchy of limiting conditions).
M. Postan has pointed out yet another basic premise of historical knowledge. Let us call it the presumption of qualitative difference. Historical knowledge is built up assuming that certain ways of behaviour, sets of values, economic or governmental institutions have been basically different in the past (e. g. , the differences between the British Parliament of the 20th century and that of the 14th century). Historical knowledge is formulated relationally to a certain reference system. This reference system is usually a social reality that is contemporary to the historian, or it is a system immediately preceding (or following up) the system under study. The historian”s contemporary world us used as a reference system in most cases implicitly. The re-writing of history and changing the image of history because of the change of the reference system do not involve any relativism.
Are values part of historical knowledge? To consider values as part of any knowledge involves abandoning the distinction between knowledge and values. To consider values as a necessary and integral part of historical writing implies the concept of intrinsic values. I cannot
accept intrinsic values, therefore I cannot accept values (evaluations) as a necessary and integral part of all historical writing. This does not exclude the permissibility of making explicit evaluations by historians as human beings in their historical works. And this does not preclude the permissibility of evaluating actions or systems which involve a standard of values different from mine or from that of a historian: re-enacting the thought of an Inquisitor does not mean accepting his thoughts as valuable for myself.
Part III. Procedures of Establishing
Historical Knowledge
Professional historians are engaged in cognitive activity. Talking about historical knowledge is meaningful because historians have some procedures of establishing knowledge.
How are cognitive aims set by historians? The usual way to do this is to formulate a theme. Collingwood pointed out the importance of problems (question asking) as a way of setting the aims of historical research. Nevertheless, explicit problem formulations are not frequent in the writings of historians. The latter ought to regret such lack of explicit questioning as one cannot judge the adequacy of knowledge without reference to problem formulations.
To solve problems, historians need evidence. That is found in the «sources». Anything (documents, pottery, etc.) can be a source if it provides evidence for historians. To get the evidence, critical method («source criticism») was developed. Traditional source criticism was the technique of establishing reconstructive knowledge and of making reconstructive discoveries.
Are problems of acquiring empirical knowledge in history cognitively different from their analogues in other sciences? It seems that there are differences of degree
but not of a kind. For example, mathematics is treated in a lot of quantitative history as a warehouse of concepts or as. a set of calculating rales. Such procedures are similar to those used in some other social studies. They are not to be condemned: many historical writings belong typologically to applied research, and to solve applied problems one has to calculate.
Are historical theories different from the theories of other sciences? Historians might use non-historical theories («theories drawn from the other sciences). Historical theories presuppose historical laws (as distinct from economic, sociological or politological laws) explicitly formulated by historians. To produce the necessary formulations one needs models. Das Kapital contains a certain type of historical theory based on a model (the theory of economic development under capitalism – the theory of the development of capitalism itself). Sometimes theoretical arguments use only models, with no fully developed theories.
The acceptance of historical theories does not depend purely on their adequateness for research purposes. Underlying models for historical theories seem acceptable or non-acceptable to both historians and non-historians because they are somehow involved (are in agreement or are in conflict) with differing basic value attitudes towards society held by different collections of people ( e. g. , by different economic classes, nations, political groupings). The use of any paradigma involving a theory may in itself seem unacceptable for the upholders of the existing order of society if any and all theories known in that particular society are concerned with(or. seem to entail) the necessity of its overthrow.
Theories are used for the»scientific» (Hempelian) explanation of empirical (but not reconstructive) knowledge. The term «historical scientific explanation» is used in this book to designate members of a subset of scientific explanations that is characterized by the presumption of
qualitative difference. Fог example, let К = {K1, ……………,Kn} be a set of laws for the reference system. Let D = {D1, ……………,Dm} be a set of conditions for the reference system. Let L = {L1, ……………,Li} be a set of laws for the system under study (e. g. , the economics of the 17th century Britain), and let С = {C1, ……………, Cj} be a set of conditions for the system under study. Furthermore, let А = K U L and B = D U C. Then a historical explanation is described by the formula:

where Cx Y is a complementary set to the subset Y of the set X. Various examples of different types of historical explanations are described in formulae (4)… (15).
Sometimes historians do not use models but apply quasimodels. The latter are constructions that do not specify the kind of relationships existing between variables. Quasimodels can be used for building typologies, and, thus, for interpreting empirical knowledge.
Part IV. Methodology of Historiography
and the Theory of Socio – Economic Formations
The theory of socio-economic formations (SEF) is basic in Marxist historical writing. A SEP is a system consisting of one and only one mode of production and of those institutions in other strata of society that are interconnected and are compatible with that mode of production. The mode of production is dominant in the interaction of these different strata (organized as a feedback system).
It is useful to distinguish subtypes of a SEP; two of the most important of these are stages and modifications. When Lenin introduced the concept of imperialism he used it to denote a stage of the capitalist SEP When Marxist historians sреак about Asian and European feudalism, they refer to certain modifications of the feudal SEF.
Individual societies may belong to one SEP only (then they are formationally homogeneous) or to a number of SEFa Pormationally heterogeneous societies consist of sectors belonging to different SEFs. In some cases these sectors might be so integrated that it becomes rational to use the designation «a complex socio-economic formation» (e. g. , the USA before the abolition of slavery).
Formation sequences can be explicated by means of orientated graphs. Different conceptions of SEP sequences are reproduced by different graphs:

where P – primitive SEF
A – Asiatic SEF
S – slave-owning (classical
antiquity) SEF
P – feudal SEF
0 – capitalist SEF
M – communist SEF
Pig. 27
SEF sequences can be established empirically. They are scientifically explained with reference to the compatibility principle (or compatibility law) between the forces of
production and relations of production. This is a classical case of scientific explanation in history.
Problems of SEF sequences have to be differentiated from the problems of SEF nomenclature («Which are the particular SEFs that do exist or have existed?»). Discussions about the «Asiatic» SEP have primarily been disputes over nomenclature.
There are two types of questions not to be confused: (1) What is a SEP? (2) Can the society X be identified with a particular SEP or do we have to introduce a new SEP? Question (2) is essentially a question for historians. Question (1) involves methodology essentially because, its answer is paradigma dependent (involves reference to the theoretical concept of a SEF and to means of introducing that concept). As SEP is a Marxist concept, the criteria for introducing a particular SEP have to include pointing out its production relations. For example, it is inconsistent to claim to be a Marxist and to claim that some SEFs. are based on non-economic forces.
The theory of SEPs explains SEF sequences. It does not explain nor does it pretend to explain everything in history. A theory of a SEF explains institutional types and processes inside a SEF. It might prove to be possible to build theories for SEP stages or even for particular societies. In any case, theories about SEFs are historical and scientific, although it is still possible to use дшее modern methods than ordinarily employed in formulating those theories.
В настоящую библиографию включены только те произведения, на которые имеются сеялки в тексте, за исключением библиографических указателей в разделе 2. 1. Последние указываются выборочно.
I. Источники
I. I. Произведения классиков марксизма и видных
деятелей коммунистического движения[1]
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– К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 4.
МАРКС К. и ЭНГЕЛЬС Ф. Немецкая идеология. – К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. З.
МАРКС К. и ЭНГЕЛЬС Ф. Святое семейство. – К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 2.
МАРКС К. – П. В. Анненкову, 28. 12. 1846. – К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 27.
МАРКС К. – И. Вейдемейеру, 5. 03. 1852. -К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс, Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 28.
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МАРКС К. К критике политической экономии. -К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 13.
МАРКС К. Морализирующая критика и критизирующая мораль.
– К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 4.
МАРКС К. Нищета философии. – К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 4.
МАРКС К. ^Теории прибавочной стоимости!*- К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 26 ч. Ш.
МАРКС К. -Ф. Энгельсу, 2. 04. 1858. – К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 29.
ЭНГЕЛЬС Ф. – К. Каутскому, 26. 06. 1884. – К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 36.
ЭНГЕЛЬС Ф. К критике проекта социал-демократической программы 1891 года. – К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 22
ЭНГЕЛЬС Ф. Коммунисты и Карл Гейнцен. – К. Маркс и Ф. Энгельс. Сочинения, изд. 2-е, т. 4.
ЛЕНИН В. И. Государство и революция. – В. И. Ленин. Полное собрание сочинений, т. 33.
ЛЕНИН В. И. Империализм как высшая стадия капитализма. (Популярный очерк). – В. И. Ленин. Полное собрание сочинений, т. 27
ЛЕНИН В. И. Развитие капитализма в России. – В. И. Ленин. Полное собрание сочинений, т. 3.
ЛЕНИН В. И. Что такое «друзья народа» и как они воюют против социал-демократов. – В. И. Ленин. Полков собрание сочинений, т. 1. ПЛЕХАНОВ Г. В. 0 книге Риккерта. – Г. В. Плеханов. Избранные философские произведения, т. III. M. , 1957.
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СТАЛИН И. 0 диалектическом и историческом материализме. – И. Сталин. Вопросы ленинизма, изд. 11-е. М. , 1953.
1. :2. Труды историков об истории
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2. Исследования
2. 1. Библиографии
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2. 2Труды об историографии. Прочие исследования.
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Материал размещен 28.07.2006 г.
[1] Для работы о взглядах марксистов, каковой является настоящая монография, труды основоположников и видных представителей марксизма являются важнейшими источниками по марксизму.