1998. Censor. Collins English Dictionary. Glasgow. (4th ed.). (1.49 Kb) 

5 июня, 2019

Censor n a person authorized to examine publications, theatrical presentations, films, letters, etc., in order to suppress in whole or part those considered obscene, politically unacceptable, etc. any person who controls or suppresses the behaviour of others, usually on moral grounds. 3 (in republican Rome) either of two senior magistrates elected to keep the list of citizens up to date, control aspects of public finance, and supervise public morals. 4 Psychoanal. the postulated factor responsible for regulating the translation of ideas and desires from the unconscious to the conscious mind. See also superego vb (tr) 5 to ban or cut portions of (a publication, film, letter etc.). to act as a censor of (behaviour, etc.). [C16: from Latin, from cēnsēre to consider, assess] ► `censorable adj ► censorial adj

// Collins English Dictionary. Glasgow: Harper Collins Publishers, 1998 (4th ed.). P.260.

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